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Zend Framework 1.0.0 发布


Zend Framework NEWS

=RELEASE 1.0.0 / 30-Jun-2007 / based on revision 5541 =
- Zend_Cache
ZF-1583 Zend_Cache_Backend_APC should be Zend_Cache_Backend_Apc
ZF-1606 Zend_Cache does not allow using ZendPlatform cache backend
- Zend_Controller
ZF-778 _redirect() needs to use absolute URIs?
ZF-1439 Request_Http Should check REDIRECT_URL before REQUEST_URI
ZF-1444 allow to set noController globally
ZF-1456 Incorrect behavior in ViewRenderer when exception is thrown
ZF-1485 Prevent unnecessary ViewRenderer instanciation
ZF-1493 default controller class is different from class for specific modules
ZF-1495 when useDefaultControllerAlways is true, a bad view can be selected
ZF-1503 ViewRenderer calls methods not in Zend_View_Interface
ZF-1553 ViewRenderer by postdispatch not disabled by invokeArgs setting
ZF-1571 Wrong method call in zend.controller.plugins.html examples
ZF-1572 Missing parameter in zend.controller.actionhelpers.html example code
ZF-1640 Wrong example in 7.5.5. Base URL and subdirectories
ZF-1642 Can't overwrite headers with setHeader
ZF-1643 Zend_Controller Unit Tests failing
ZF-1649 Plugin broker should attempt to catch plugin exceptions
ZF-1650 Add stack order to plugin broker
ZF-1654 ViewRenderer and finding view scripts
- Zend_Db
ZF-884 SQLite: result set contains correlation names in keys
ZF-1518 Silent failure from describeTable() when schema is wrong
ZF-1563 QuoteInto doesn't work with Sqlite
- Zend_Db_Adapter_Db2
ZF-1648 Fixed DB2 Util tests that get the schema used to qualify a name
- Zend_Db_Table
ZF-1634 The findParentBy() fails to extract the correct class
ZF-1625 Mistakes in Relationships code examples
ZF-1645 createRow() should omit identity columns from data
- Zend_Debug
ZF-1602 Data not in UTF-8 is stripped by htmlentities()
- Zend_Filter / Zend_Validate
ZF-1641 PCRE UTF-8 Support Unavailable on Some Platforms
ZF-1646 Cache result check for UTF-8 and Unicode support in PCRE
- Zend_Gdata
ZF-1644 Order of parameters in FeedLink and EntryLink is not optimal
ZF-1653 author and published-min/published-max missing from Gdata_Query
- Zend_Loader
ZF-1512 loadClass() fails when $dirs contains '.'
- Zend_Log
ZF-1627 Incorrect example in the manual for Zend_Log_Writer_Db
- Zend_Mail
ZF-1622 Safe-Mode Warning in Zend_Mail while sending mails with mail()
- Zend_Memory
ZF-1261 AccessController.php missing require_once for the class it implements
- Zend_Pdf
ZF-1657 Zend_Pdf_Filter interface violates coding standard
- Zend_Registry
ZF-1613 Zend_Registry::setClassName() should load specified class
- Zend_Search_Lucene
ZF-1561 Wrong returned result in comparison to Luke toolbox
ZF-1655 Common_TextNum analyzer skips zeroz, 8 and 9
- Zend_Session
ZF-1610 Zend_Session::rememberMe() can not modify the session cookie lifetime
- Zend_Translate
ZF-1635 Wrong translate() and isTranslated() translation check
ZF-1647 Typo in Zend_Translate documentation
- Zend_View
ZF-1542 FormLabel View Helper silently ignores third parameter
ZF-1568 Zend_View_Helper_FormCheckbox values
- Zend_XmlRpc_Client
ZF-1566 Class 'Zend_Xml_Rpc_Value_Exception' not found
ZF-1637 fatal error if server does not return a response
- Total of 46 issues resolved; for a detailed list, see the changelog
in the issue tracker at http://framework.zend.com/issues
